The Hobbit for Carousel Theatre, at the Waterfront Theatre, Vancouver, 2008
Directed by Carole Higgins, Set by Al Frisk, Costumes by Jay Havens, Sound by Jeff Tymochuk, Lighting by Itai Erdal
Nominated to a Jessie Richardson Award for Outstanding Lighting Design
“And what a world. Itai Erdal lights its wonders and dangers with fantastic starlight, cave light, firelight and sunlight, all glittering and changing and producing weird and wonderful shadows and illusions.”
Jane Penistan, Review Vancouver 13.04.2008
“Itai Erdal's bold lighting (punctuated by blasts of lightning) is a particularly effective example of Paterson's drive for basic artistic effectiveness in lieu of cheap gimmickry.”
Peter Birnie, Vancouver Sun 15.04.2008