After the Quake, Rumble Theatre & Pie Theatre, The Cultch, Vancouver, 2009
Directed by Craig Hall and Richard Wolf, Set by Yvan Morissette, Costumes by Sheila White, Sound by Yota Kobayashi, Lighting by Itai Erdal
“Itai Erdal’s lighting design transforms the set into an expression of visual poetry.”
Rachel Scott, Plank Magazine 25.11.2009
“The production looks terrific, too…beautifully lit by Itai Erdal.”
Kathleen Oliver, The Georgia Straight 23.11.2009
"How do you keep it all straight? Lighting designer Itai Erdal leads us unerringly and evocatively from place to place in Yvan Morissette's shoji-screened set"
Jo Ledingham, Vancouver Courier 23.11.2009