This Is Not A Conversation
The Elbow Theatre and Salish Sea Productions, Belfry Theatre, Victoria, 2016
Written by Itai Erdal, Dima Alansari and Ker Wells, performed by Dima Alansari and Itai Erdal
Directed by Ker Wells, Designed by Itai Erdal, Sound by Jeremy Thierren, photos by Peter Pokorny
“This is Not a Conversation fully exemplifies the complexity of conflict, providing a lasting commentary on Israel and Palestine that is unapologetic and subtly emphatic.” 15.03.2017
“There is much to think about in This Is Not A Conversation and the questions are likely to nag at a perceptive audience for a very long time. Theatre can be more than distraction and entertainment—This Is Not A Conversation is a bold reminder.”
Janis La Couvee 17.03.2017